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Chris Evert Once Posted a Rare Photo of Hers to Deliver a Message of Resilience to the ‘Class of 2020’!

With the worse behind us, we can now think about the difficult time that the world had to go through during the global pandemic. The schools shut down and education came to a halt with everything else. Chris Evert sympathized with the students who could not go to school in 2020.



She shared a heartfelt message for the students and praised their evolution into resilient human beings.



Evert stood with the class of 2020
Chris Evert had shared her high school yearbook picture on Instagram. She sent a motivating and uplifting message for the class of 2020. She stated, “In solidarity with the class of 2020 — whether graduating from college, high school, 8th grade, kindergarten — this has not turned out as you planned & prepared for. You will be resilient in uncertainty and adversity; a great lesson that there’s no textbook for.”

She acknowledged the uncertain times and sympathized with how things turned completely different.

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